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| Adult Day Care Center in Naples

Technology is for EVERYONE!

A new approach to our Day Stay program.

  Our Center has three distinct goals:

Introduce seniors to the high-tech concept of care with many different experiences such as travel, exercise and new social interactions.

► Bring together providers in the field of aging to learn high tech can benefit our frail seniors.

►Invite the community at large to share and learn how high-tech can ease caregiving responsibilities.

Visit places, see the unseen

Our members have an option to travel the world, visit concerts, sport venues or anything that comes to their mind. Simply, here at Harmonia The Club, with the use of newest technology of VR, surrounded by an amazing augmented reality objects, to stimulate cognitive health and stay active.

Exercise and stay physically active

Exercise promotes wellbeing in many ways. At Harmonia The Club, we exercise daily, with lead of one our experienced team member, or using the technology where we all get engaged. Traveling the world, drumming classes, chair yoga and many other physical activities with use of our social room technology equipment. 

Harmo-Nia pets

We all love pets. Our team member Molly is here bringing joy daily. However, our pet family is bigger, as we have tiger Harmo (interactive puppy tiger pet on the big screen via “Kinect”) to throw and catch the ball, cuddle, etc…  And our cat Nia (robotic cat that reacts to a human touch with meowing, purring and moves). 

TEMI - personal robot

TEMI is a big part of our team here at Harmonia The Club. He walks around, plays favorite music on a voice command, tells jokes, provides weather report, and much more…

Just Relax

When it is time to relax, our members can get some rest in our quiet area with big screen and the sound system. Here we can play anything possible on the screen for them to feel like home. Or, they can simply grab the tablet, on which each and every one of them will find their personal page with some memories, favorite music or places to remember.  

Technology is for EVERYONE
 Harmonia The Club